List of Directors and their Role and Function

The members of the board of Directors (“Board”) of Emperor Culture Group Limited are set out below :

Executive Directors
Mr. Yeung Ching Loong, Alexander (Chairman)
Ms. Fan Man Seung, Vanessa
Mr. Wong Chi Fai

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Ms. Chan Sim Ling, Irene
Mr. Ho Tat Kuen
Ms. Tam Sau Ying

There are 5 Board committees. The table below provides membership information of these committees on which the Board members serve.

Board Committee
Audit Committee Remuneration Committee Nomination Committee Corporate Governance Committee Executive Committee
Mr. Yeung Ching Loong, Alexander M C C
Ms. Fan Man Seung, Vanessa C M
Mr. Wong Chi Fai M
Ms. Chan Sim Ling, Irene M M
Mr. Ho Tat Kuen C M M
Ms. Tam Sau Ying M C M

C   Chairman / Chairperson
M   Member


[ List of Directors - Biography ]